Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Christmas Catch up

Our Christmas was wonderful. The boys had stayed up very late the night before so miracle of miracles we woke up before they did! We had planned on skyping with Chris's parents so we actually had to get online and let them know weren't ready yet! Daddy and Abby and I enjoyed a nice quiet hour. Liam came out first and we had to wake Sam up because there was no way we could keep Liam from opening his presents. Sammy was so excited to open his "douglas with all the wheels" and wouldn't hold still long enough for me to get a picture :)
Liam got his Mac truck he had been wishing for.
Abby got... covered with wrapping paper.
It was wonderful to be able to share the morning with Chris's parents. Skype is the coolest invention!
After opening presents and playing for hours the boys zonked and i started Christmas dinner. We had our friends the Nielsen's over and it was so much fun! We ended up playing until midnight... kids included. Boy did we pay for that one for days. It was so nice to just sit and talk for hours while the kids went nuts. Our house literally look like a tornado hit it but man was it worth it! It is crazy to think that next year we will be able to hang out on the beach on Christmas woo hoo!