My mom and lil' sister Claire came to visit this last week and it was a BLAST!!! We spent the first two days at a beach house in Cape Henry. It was lovely (even though it rained the first day) There are two beautiful old Light houses and a private beach.

Sam loved the pirate themed playground right outside our door. For those of you with kids who watch Backyardigans (i love that show) you will appreciate the fact that Sam spent the entire weekend digging for and singing the "treasure" song from the pirate episode.

Claire and I made a crazy amount of x's, as he kept reminding us that "x marks the spot!". He also enjoyed the jellyfish...

yes the bane of my existence. The first time we found one we pointed it out and told him not to touch it that it would hurt, then Claire and I turned around and sat with Liam and my mom. two minutes later Sam comes walking up with a jellyfish on his shovel and plops it into Liam's bucket! Well I guess at least he didn't touch it.

While there we also ate an amazing little place called Taste. The sandwich's were to DIE for and the store itself was adorable! When you order a lunch it comes in these adorable little lunch box's:

After three days at the beach we headed home to relax by spending more time at the beach. We headed to York town beach which I LOVE. We also had to do the traditional Colonial Williamsburg walk through.

Which meant feeding our favorite horses Ranger and Captain. Although this time Liam did not want to share his carrot.

And Sam got a scare when Ranger decided it sniff Sam's hair and give him a little "kiss". Needless to say Sam stays at an even safer distance now.

We then had a fun "cook out" at Waller mill... only we couldn't get the coals to light. But we did get to go out on a paddle boat:
The last time we did this Sam had his girlyfriend Lucy there to have fun with, without her he quickly grew board so we went back and Claire and I grabbed a kayak instead. We then proceeded to be publicly berated by two old ladies who literally said to us as we paddled by "We had to stop and watch the show".

Claire and I took the humiliation in stride and after they teased us some more with bad stroking advice our self esteems had had enough and we paddled in. After trying to light the fire with cigarette lighter fluid and not heading my advice that it would poison us, it took one disgusting tasting hot dog for us to call it quits and we went in search of the best gourmet Williamsburg could offer. We ended up at the Hot Dog King haaaaa!

Wow. But I am proud to say none of us got sick afterwards, the service was great and the bathrooms were clean :) And double points for it's proximity to snow to go!

We ended the visit with a trip out to the farm by Jolly Pond to pick blueberries, or as sam calls them Blue strawberries....

Anyway we had fun filling the bucket and now realize why blueberries are so expensive. They are a serious pain to pick, but even Liam tried to help!

And as a person who actually doesn't really like blueberries this made it even harder for me :) But they were cheap and will be made into some yummy muffins! Liam ended the day with a nice warm sink bath supervised by Aunty Claire-- who left the last picture on this blog as a surprise on my camera-- bet you didn't think I would post it but I did! Haaaa! I am so grateful they came to visit, the week went by WAY to fast... now the four week count down to Myrtle Beach begins!