We received a very fun package in the mail this week from Grandma! Seriously, the whole family loved it. Inside was the bedding for little miss Crawford's room, which is great because now I can start matching some sewing projects to it. But even more fun were the costumes. First you have to know what an amazing seamstress Chris's mom is. She taught me everything I know about sewing and man have I learned a lot! In the package were two adorably cute colonial outfits complete with white "tights", knickerbockers with vintage buttons, shirts that tie together at the top and a three corner hat! I just about died. Jan also made a matching outfit for the boy's cousin Aiden who is coming to visit and a colonial dress for their cousin Ally. I am delirious from thinking about the pictures I am going to take. The fun didn't stop there. Next we pulled out two costumes, one Batman and one Robin. Both complete with built in muscles, masks and utility belts! I thought oh man these will be awesome when the boys grow into them. I thought for sure they didn't make costumes this cool in their sizes but I was wrong! Liam gets to be Batman
and Sam is Robin!
I love that Liam's pecks are up to his chin!
Sam says he takes fighting crime very seriously.
Thank you Grandma!