We arrived in South Carolina and got settled. Then of course we headed to the beach. My little sister Claire took Liam down to put his toes in the water.
After a few mins we saw her suddenly pull him up from the water and start running. There was a huge shark swimming right up where the water was breaking. The lifeguard saw it at the same time and cleared everyone out of the water. The shark remained near use for the majority of the day. Of course we had rented a cabana so we had to stick around. Eventually Claire and Chris and I hiked down to what we deemed a safe distance and boogie boarded. Sam and Liam had a blast diggin in the sand and building "Train Tracks", we heard "oh no!" a lot as the trains met with various sticky situations.
Later in the afternoon Christopher surprised me with the camera I have been drooling over for years. We had been saving up but with the horrible car incident I didn't think we were going to be able to swing it. Of course I had to immediately take some pictures so we headed to the closest park. Needless to say I am very excited to snap away!
My Dad
Claire and I on the swings
Daddy and Lemers (how cute is that smile!)
My Piggly Wiggle DreamI have ALWAYS wanted to shop at a piggly wiggly. I know totally weird. But I have always searched for them as I travel through various states. My dream came true today when we went to get groceries and the local store was my very own piggly wiggly. I of course bought an awesome canvess bag that I will be sporting on my return to CW!